How Paper Packaging Is an Effective Method of Preserving the Environment

The growing concerns about environmental protection and making sustainable packaging have become a key focus in the fight against pollution and waste. Businesses encouraging their consumers to use more eco-friendly materials is not only reducing their carbon footprint but also boosting responsible consumer habits that prioritize the planet. The movement toward sustainable packaging offers a powerful way to reduce environmental impact and promote a circular economy. 

The South Korean government is now raising concerns about switching to more eco-friendly packaging to prevent environmental and other issues caused by plastic packaging. Here are the distinct differences between plastic packaging and more sustainable packaging materials, such as paper packaging.

The Plastic Packaging: A Global Problem

Undoubtedly, plastic packaging is a significant contributor to pollution, landfill accumulation due to its non-biodegradable nature, and health risks. In 2020, an estimated 550,000 tons of single-use plastic packaging had been consumed in South Korea, followed by nearly 84,500 tons of PET bottles. Plastic waste found littering streets, polluting oceans, and clogging landfills never fully biodegrades because it doesn’t naturally decompose. Another issue that is rising is the plastic fragments becoming tiny particles called microplastics that harm the environment and living creatures, including humans.

In response to these environmental and other issues, the South Korean government has implemented strict regulations on plastic packaging. Since November 24, 2022, plastic packaging cannot be sold in convenience stores, bakeries, or retail stores larger than 33 square meters. Additionally, supermarkets over 165 square meters and stores exceeding 3,000 square meters have … Read More

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